Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Apple Cider Vinegar Toner! A gentle daily Chemical peel!

Most people view vinegar as something only used for cooking and maybe a few for cleaning, but I'm going to tell you why Raw unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar is a perfect match for your skin!

First, let me ask you a few questions:

Do you have red, blotchy, rash prone skin?

Does your skin itch or feel irritated on a daily basis?

Do you break out easily and frequently?

A couple of  years ago I could've answered yes to all of these questions and if that's you, then listen up!
Your acid mantle has probably been compromised. What is your acid mantle?

The acid mantle is your skin's protection barrier. It protects you from sun and environmental damage (chemicals, pollution, etc.). The more alkaline your skin becomes the more acne, blemishes, allergies, rashes etc. you will have. This is why balancing the acid mantle is super important and why you shouldn't use face washes or anything on your face that is not pH balanced! For example most soaps have an alkaline pH which breaks down the acid mantle making your skin more vulnerable to damage.

So go now and look at your face wash, does it say pH balanced? If not, throw it out, it's wreaking havoc on your face!

Why apple cider vinegar (ACV)? Short answer: it's like a gentle daily CHEMICAL PEEL!
ACV contains acetic acid, lactic acid, citric acid and malic acid as well as vitamins, minerals and amino acids, all essential building blocks for healthy skin. You know those really expensive chemical peels you need to go to an esthetician to get? Well using ACV on your face is like getting that chemical peel but it's much more gentle, there are no chemicals, and you won't peel! You will see a glowing difference in your skin from using this on a daily basis!
ACV also lightens dark spots and acne scars!

Now that you have this information find yourself a gentle, pH balanced face wash and an apple cider vinegar toner. You can make it yourself, if you're a DIY-er, it's quite easy!

1 Tbsp ACV ( I recommend Bragg's Unpasteurized Organic ACV)
3-4 TBSP Water

Mix the ACV and water and apply it to your face with a cotton ball or paper towel, or whatever you prefer to use, just make sure it's clean!

NOTE: You will not get the same results with a pasteurized ACV because many of the healing components have been compromised/altered in the pasteurization process.

If you'd rather just buy an ACV toner I make and sell them here

All of my Organic Raw Unpasteurized ACV toners are infused with herbs organically sourced, wild harvested or grown on my farm (gardening is my other passion!).

Other benefits of ACV, when take internally (note my toners are for external use only!):
Helps control weight

Helps control the yeast balance in your body

Helps maintain healthy skin

Promotes digestion, especially in those with low stomach acid

Helps detox your body (if you're prone to yeast infections try drinking it daily, 1 tbsp in 8 oz of water a couple times a day).

Other ways to use ACV:
Prevent or treat Yeast infections- if you're prone to yeast infections try drinking it daily, 1 tbsp in 8 oz of water a couple times a day
Also try putting in a bath for yeast infections (1 cup per bath)

Bake with it! Yes if you're a gluten free baker and you often have dense baked goods results then try this awesome fix, substitute your baking powder or rising agent for 1 TBSP ACV and 1 tsp Baking soda. You may need to play around with the measurements depending on how big a batch you're making but I usually use this proportion for a 2 cups of flour cake recipe. I will be posting some recipes in the future so check back!)

As a hair rinse for silky soft hair. It will cleanse your hair of build up from hair products and close the hair shaft reducing frizz and increasing shine!
1/2- 1 cup of water

FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any disease.